Specialized Advice on Bankruptcy Law

  • Analysis of business situations of imminent insolvency and insolvency. Preparation of reports and opinions.
  • Carrying out judicial procedures for requesting voluntary or necessary bankruptcy, including the preparation and provision of legal advice as the bankrupt party’s lawyers.
  • Advice and assistance to creditors of companies / debtors in bankruptcy for the best defence of their interests.
  • Appeals against judicial decisions taken in the context of bankruptcy.

Specialized Advice on Bankruptcy Law

  • Analysis of business situations of imminent insolvency and insolvency. Preparation of reports and opinions.
  • Carrying out judicial procedures for requesting voluntary or necessary bankruptcy, including the preparation and provision of legal advice as the bankrupt party’s lawyers.
  • Advice and assistance to creditors of companies / debtors in bankruptcy for the best defence of their interests.
  • Appeals against judicial decisions taken in the context of bankruptcy.

Specialized Advices

For more detailed information about our services, do not hesitate to contact us.